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EBLGA Member-Member
June 17, 2024
June 18, 2024

The format of this 36-hole tournament varies from year to year, but it is typically a two-day eclectic, multi-format, two-person team event.


Did you know?

The history books have Mary Stuart (aka Queen of Scots, with her reign from 1542-1567) down as the first female golfer ever recorded at St. Andrews.  St. Andrews was built during her reign. It wasn’t until 1811 in Scotland, that the first official women’s golf tournament was held. Fashion has always been a major part of women in golf. We challenge you to find what era inspires you the most and dress in that period, 1811 to 2024.  

FORMAT & Rules of Play

Mulligans:  You may purchase 2 “do overs” for $5.00 per player, which may be used for any of that player’s shots during the 2-day tourney.  The Mulligan shot is in play, once you’ve hit it (you can’t go back to your prior shot).  Please record the name, hole # and day 1 or 2 on your Mulligan Coupon.

Holes 1-6 Better Ball Play your own ball & record lowest gross score on each hole.

Holes 7-12 Modified Alternate Shot “Hit, Switch, Pick, Alternate”.  Both players tee off. Hit each others’ ball for the 2nd shot. Choose best shot. Player whose 2nd shot is not chosen will hit the 3rd shot.  Alternate until the ball is in the hole.  Record gross score.

Holes 13-18 2 Gal Scramble.  Each player hits each shot.  Mark the best shot, hit from within 1 club length (6” on green), no closer to hole & without changing playing surface (e.g. rough to fairway, or out of bunker).  Partners may stand on line of putt to watch.

Eclectic Format:  On Day 2, try to improve your score on each hole.  If you can’t, pick up and record Day 1 score.  Total up best gross score for each hole from the 2 days & subtract your team handicap for overall net.  Return signed & attested scorecard to scoreboard.

Champion:  Team with lowest overall gross score

Net Champion:  Team with lowest overall net score

Team Flight Prizes:  1st Gross & 1ST, 2nd & 3rd Net/flight.

Ties for overall Low Gross or Net will be decided by chip-off on 18th green.  Each player will chip and the team with closest to pin wins. Ties within flights will share the prize money.


Day 1: Closest to the Pin:  Holes 4 & 12, Longest Putt Hole 1 & 17

Day 2: Closest to the Pin:  Holes 6 & 16, Longest Putt Holes 2 & 14

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